Tuesday, August 13, 2013

How Can a Website Designer Miami Help in SEO?

Other than making a brilliant web property for your business, a professional websitedesigner Miami will also take time to concentrate on some critical SEO aspects when designing the site. There are some elements in the website design which may be hindering your SEO efforts. Let’s learn some of these elements and how your website designer can help.

First, your website needs to be accessible. If the design is affecting its accessibility, then your SEO efforts will be in vain. When you approach a Miami SEO company, the first thing they will do is to ensure that search engines can reach your web pages and index them. However, there are some pages that are confidential on your site so search engines need not index them. This is why the robots.txt file and robots meta tag are used to determine which pages will be indexed and which ones are blocked.

The MiamiSEO company is also likely to have a team of web designers who will analyze your site and reduce the 404 errors. These errors can really make your site perform poorly online. They will also ensure that your site is accessible to mobile users.

It’s also important for website designers to ensure the site has a fast loading speed. In fact, search engines are now using site speed as a ranking factor. If the site is designed properly with minimal media and flash, then its loading speed is not going to be affected. However, flash based sites with huge media files can have a slow loading speed which affects SEO.

It is also important for a web designer to check the URL structure of the website since this also affects SEO Miami. Some of the random numbers that are used to describe URLs should be replaced with relevant keywords. The website designer should ensure that the words and letters on the URL are separated by hyphens. Some of these changes may seem insignificant but they really affect the effectiveness of search engine optimization techniques employed on the site.

Website designers must also use site maps on your website. There are different types of site maps which can be used by website designers on your web pages to enhance SEO Miami. To start with, the HTML sitemap will be used to help search engines understand your website’s architecture and is also visible to users. On the other hand, the XML sitemap is not visible to users but it allows you to add metadata which basically gives more details about the content of a particular webpage. If the website designer includes an image sitemap, then it will help your images to show up on search results.

Most importantly, the website designer should also incorporate social snippets on your site. These social snippets will help to boost social media Miami. They include elements like attractive thumbnails and Twitter cards on your web pages. There are so many other items that your website designer can do to maximize the use of social media Miami in your SEO campaign. Get the right website designer and you will have nothing to worry about.

1 comment:

  1. This is really a good post and all thing make sense regarding small business marketing.As we know we have more stuff to do on a daily basis so it could be help to minimize my bundle of work. thanks for the informatics post.
    Website Design Florida
